VarSome - Platform Updates

VarSome Clinical 11.3.3

Written by Richard Meyer | Aug 11, 2022 7:50:11 AM


Viewing VarSome Clinical  data using Cards View  

Today sees the launch of our new  “Cards View'' in VarSome Clinical. Following on from the success of the “Cards View” in VarSome we have replicated this method for displaying our Clinical data. 

The “cards'', located under the variant summary table, present a high-level summary of key information from each data source. Where possible they have been color coded by potential clinical significance.

Clicking on an individual “card” takes you to the relevant section where you can see the full data available.

No information has been removed and annotations and classifications are not affected. 

Card Colors

Cards are gray unless they contain data that allows us to denote a pathogenicity score. In these cases we color the cards using the following  key: 

Variant Or Gene Information

A major advantage of this layout is that it allows you to see the gene-related data much more easily and in greater detail. Radio buttons are provided to switch between seeing data for the selected variant and the corresponding gene information.

Disabled Cards

Some cards may be disabled and grayed out if no data is available:

Configure the card layout 

You can make the cards much smaller by clicking on the “Display Options” wheel on the top right hand side of the cards panel, and selecting “Compact View”. This removes the summary data from the cards and reduces their size.


Alternatively, in order to give you the opportunity to get used to the new layout, we will be providing the option to revert back to the “old layout” until the end of this year.

For further information on how to use the new cards you can review the User Manual.


As ever we hope you find these changes & improvements helpful, we’d love to hear any suggestions you may have, support is available as usual from

-The VarSome Team