Summary of Key New Features for 11.15
- Database updates
- Inactivity lock
- Improvements on VarSome browsers
- VarSome Clinical report improvements
Database updates
We will update a number of integral databases. Updates are reflected on our database source page.
Inactivity lock
We have implemented an automatic lock access feature after 30 minutes of inactivity in all our platforms (VarSome, VarSome Premium, VarSome Clinical and VarSome API). This ensures that no one can access protected data when users step away from their computers. The VarSome platforms store sensitive personal information about users, customers, and patients, and it is our responsibility to protect this information.
VarSome browsers
We have revamped the color scale for variants in browsers. Now, by default, variants are color-coded based on their coding impact. This enhancement aims to enrich the information displayed in browsers, as pathogenicity is indicated by the position of the lollipop on the vertical axis. Nevertheless, you retain the option to revert to the previous color scheme and color variants based on pathogenicity.
VarSome Clinical
Clinical report
In the clinical report, we have streamlined the process by eliminating the need to manually drag and drop variants to complete the report. The general information for each variant is now automatically included, saving users valuable time during report creation.
QC report
We have introduced new data to the QC report for multi-sample analysis. Specifically, the QC report will now include a general variant type summary as well as individual summaries for each sample per coding impact and targeted regions. The goal is to enhance the information provided in the report, allowing users to evaluate any potential issues independently
As ever we hope you find these changes and improvements helpful. We would love to hear any feedback and suggestions you may have. Support is available as usual from
The VarSome Team.
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